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How to achieve effective weight loss

In this blog, we will delve into the diverse approaches available in Australia's weight loss landscape, including the role of medical weight loss and the effectiveness of a personalised strategy, including the use of weight loss medication.

‍Empowering Yourself: Mastering Diabetes Management Through Self-Care 

Living a fulfilling life with diabetes is absolutely achievable. As a lifestyle medicine practitioner and credentialled diabetes educator, I've witnessed countless patients thrive by taking charge of their condition. The key lies in developing strong self-management skills.

Concerned about experiencing neurological symptoms? Five signs you might need to see a neurologist

Experiencing unusual neurological symptoms can be unsettling, especially when they involve your nervous system. Knowing when to seek specialised care from a neurologist can make a significant difference in your health.

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Glucose Buddy

Stay on top of your blood sugar. Anytime, anywhere.

Carb Manager

Live a low-carb high-fat diet lifestyle. Log each meal in seconds, even by taking a picture of what you ate. Also includes articles, forums, recipes, meal planners and a community with weekly challenges. You can also upgrade to the subscription version to track blood glucose and insulin values.


Track your symptoms, access personalised expert content, download a Health Report©, share stories in the community, live Q&As with menopause specialists, holistic and personalised care and lots more.