
Welcome to our comprehensive guide on perimenopause and menopause, where we navigate the transformative phases that women experience as they transition from their reproductive years to the next stage of life. Peri-menopause signifies the onset of hormonal shifts leading to menopause, a natural biological process marking the end of menstruation.

As you navigate this intricate journey, having the guidance of a menopause specialist becomes invaluable. Our platform is dedicated to providing you with expert insights, advice, and resources to empower you through these significant life changes. Discover a wealth of information on symptoms, lifestyle adjustments, and evidence-based approaches to optimise your well-being during this transformative time.


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What Are the 32 Symptoms of Perimenopause?

Perimenopause is the transitional phase leading up to menopause. This phase typically starts in a woman’s 40s but can start as early as the mid-30s. It can last anywhere from a few months to over a decade, but understanding the range of symptoms associated with perimenopause can help you navigate this life stage with more ease and preparedness.

Early Menopause Symptoms: Recognising the Signs

Early menopause, defined as menopause occurring before the age of 45, can be a surprising and sometimes unsettling experience. While the average age for menopause is around 51, many women experience a shift in their hormonal balance much earlier.

Women’s health hub: Embracing 40 with Proactive Strategies for Maintaining Optimal Health

With a proactive approach, coupled with access to reliable information from a women’s health hub like ours, along with support, women can be empowered to navigate life stage changes and embrace a healthy future.

Postmenopausal Trial Recruitment

The Kolling Institute is looking for more women in their latest postmenopausal bone and muscle health study. If you're a woman between the age of 50-80, we'd love you to apply below.

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Apps & Services



Track your symptoms, access personalised expert content, download a Health Report©, share stories in the community, live Q&As with menopause specialists, holistic and personalised care and lots more.


MenoLife: Menopause, Perimenopause and Midlife Health Tracker App for Women

Ask Early Menopause

A personal dashboard made to track symptoms with easy access information on early menopause that also hosts a forum to ask for support and tips from other women.
Support Group

Menopause Support Group Australia

An Australian support group for women to share and discuss about menopause.

It Might Be Menopause Podcast

Unpack common questions about perimenopause and menopause in this 10-part podcast series. Hosted by Dr. Sarah White and created in partnership with NSW Government and Jean Hailes for Women's Health.

Australiasian Menopause Society

Members of the Australasian Menopause Society Limited (AMS) are doctors and other health care professionals who each have a special interest in women's health in midlife and menopause and the promotion of healthy ageing. Whether information is needed about peri-menopause, MHT/HRT and alternatives, osteoporosis or how to locate a doctor interested in women's health, the AMS seeks to bring accurate, evidence-based information to health care workers and the wider community.


What lifestyle modifications can I implement to help relieve or reduce menopause symptoms?

While a menopause specialist offers the most personalised guidance, there are some key lifestyle modifications that many women find helpful:

  • Prioritise sleep: Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night. Consider relaxation techniques like meditation or deep breathing before bed.
  • Manage stress: Daily stress can exacerbate menopause symptoms. Explore stress-relieving activities like yoga, exercise, or spending time in nature.
  • Maintain a healthy weight: Excess weight can worsen hot flashes and other symptoms. Focus on a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and incorporate regular exercise.
  • Limit triggers: Certain foods and beverages like caffeine, alcohol, and spicy dishes can trigger hot flashes. Identify your personal triggers and limit your intake.
  • Stay cool: Wear breathable clothing and keep your bedroom cool at night to manage night sweats.

Remember, these are general recommendations. For a tailored approach, consulting a qualified menopause specialist is the best course of action.

What can a menopause specialist do for me?

A menopause specialist offers a comprehensive approach to managing your menopause journey. They can:

  • Diagnose and assess your symptoms: Through in-depth consultations and potential lab tests, they'll pinpoint the cause of your specific concerns.
  • Develop a personalised treatment plan: This may include lifestyle modifications, dietary adjustments, non-hormonal therapies, or HRT tailored to your unique situation.
  • Monitor your progress: Regular follow-up appointments ensure your treatment plan remains effective and addresses any evolving needs.

Book in to see a menopause specialist near me from our practitioners today or learn more from our dedicated menopause resources page.

What are some signs that I might need to see a menopause specialist?

While some women experience a smooth transition through menopause, others require additional support. Here are some indications that consulting a menopause specialist might be beneficial:

  • Severe or disruptive symptoms: If hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, or sleep disturbances significantly impact your daily life, a specialist can create a personalised treatment plan.
  • Concerns about hormone replacement therapy (HRT): A menopause specialist can discuss the risks and benefits of HRT and determine the best approach for your individual needs.
  • Complex medical history: If you have pre-existing health conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, or a history of certain cancers, a specialist can personalise your care and ensure safe menopause management.